juin 13, 2019

Webinar: Workplace Claims Prevention and Solutions

Category: ADRIC Event Webinar: Workplace Claims Prevention and Solutions

11:00 am
juin 13, 2019

A webinar with Claude Freeman, LL.M.(ADR), C.Med, C.Arb. and Lisa Jones, ALHC

Date: June 13, 2019 - 11 am ET


The speed and volume of workplace issues that escalate to become contentious and/or migrate into Long Term Disability claims has surpassed the ability of management, HR and insurers, to keep pace.

The growing costs generated by these spiraling issues are having a major, negative financial impact on businesses, and insurers alike.

There is a proven and successful way to greatly reduce the escalation, and mitigate these financial losses and/or reputational risk.

Join Claude Freeman and his colleague Lisa Jones to learn what to do in the event of a suspected, known or reported workplace incident and how to recognize and mitigate the potential for embarrassing and costly litigious matters, with proactive/preventative and reactive tools.

Who should attend?

• HR managers and groups
• Employer Plan Administrators
• Senior management
• Labour Representatives
• Disability Insurance Claims managers



Claude Freeman, LL.M.(ADR), C.Med, C.Arb

With over 30 years solid business experience, he is an accomplished mediator and arbitrator with over 20 years in full-time civil/commercial mediation, arbitration and fact-finding practice. Claude's expertise is in matters of business, employment/workplace, insurance, and transportation. He has a Master’s Degree in Law (Dispute Resolution), and has been awarded the Chartered Mediator and Chartered Arbitrator designations of the ADR Institute of Canada. Claude's practice has included review/ adjudication/ appeals of several hundred disability/injury/insurance matters, as well as providing services for the OmbudService Life and Health Insurance. He has also developed a mediation model for workplace claims migrating to long-term disability claims, and is approved as a workplace specialist for the Federal Government, as well as conducting workplace/OHSA investigations.

​Claude has been appointed to several prominent mediation and arbitration rosters, a Federal Administrative Law Tribunal, and one of his arbitration decisions has been published in the Canadian Patent Reporter. He is also an approved arbitrator by the Province of Québec to conduct arbitrations under the New Home Warranty Plan, and partner in a Québec Arbitration and Mediation firm.

​Claude has authored and published close to 30 papers, articles, and media events on Dispute Resolution, and has taught/co-taught a number of courses and seminars. He has mentored several new mediators to the profession, and serves on various ADR professional association committees including Chartered Mediator and Chartered Arbitrator professional designation approval committees. Claude is completely fluent in English and French.

Lisa Jones, ALHC

Lisa trained as a Registered Nurse and Midwife gaining extensive medical experience qualifying her for leadership positions during her nursing career. In 1994, Lisa changed her career path and pursued both disability claims management and medical underwriting positions with Reinsurance, Special Risk, and disability management companies.

​In 2004, Lisa moved to England and continued in her Senior Disability Management roles. During the 2007/2008 Recession in the UK, there was a spiral of mental health claims, with a high percentage being precipitated by workplace conflict. After conducting various incidence and economic studies relating to the effects these claims, Lisa implemented a focused, successful resolution claims strategy to resolve these claims, which resulted in premium stability both during and after the Recession. This strategy has continued to be used successfully in the UK and Lisa has been working with Claude Freeman since 2015, to implement the same strategies in Canada.


Ever wondered how to prevent workplace claims or deal with them efficiently?
Join our webinar with Claude Freeman and his colleague Lisa Jones to learn what to do in the event of a suspected, known or reported workplace incident and how to recognize and mitigate the potential for embarrassing and costly litigious matters, with proactive/preventative and reactive tools.


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