mai 14, 2018

2018 Alberta ADR Pre-Symposium: Shaping the Future of ADR in Alberta

Category: ADRIC Affiliates 2018 Alberta ADR Pre-Symposium: Shaping the Future of ADR in Alberta

All Day
mai 14, 2018

Join us at the 2018 Alberta ADR Symposium to learn about advances in ADR practices and programs. Delegates will be invited to harness their collective wisdom to shape the future of ADR in Alberta. Our goal is to see ADR widely recognized as the preferred option for resolving disputes. The Symposium will also celebrate key milestones in Alberta's ADR community. Our successes speak to the tenacity of the ADR community and its dedicated practitioners.

The opening keynote session will focus on celebrating what we have achieved in the ADR community, recognizing how far we have come, and recognizing new opportunities for the future.

Break out sessions will include keynote speakers, panel discussions and workshops and will move from:

  1. Who we are? Practitioner development
  2. Where are we? Environmental scan; Visioning the future of ADR in Alberta.
  3. What keeps us up at night? Scenarios for reflection.
  4. Where are we going? Innovations in dispute resolution.
  5. How are we doing it? Breaking barriers; Strategies to raise the profile of ADR.

The Closing Plenary will be a half-day participatory session to create a Common Agenda for ADR in Alberta.

Additional, in-depth training will be available in our Post Symposium Training workshop on May 17.


Lister Centre, University of Alberta
11613 87 Ave NW
Edmonton, AB T6G 2H6


Category: ADRIC Affiliates ADRIA AGM

All Day
mai 14, 2018

Video linked to an AGM reception in Calgary, and with dial in options for those not able to attend either venue in person.

Location: Edmonton

Video linked to an AGM reception in Calgary, and with dial in options for those not able to attend either venue in person.


ADRSK - National Introductory Mediation

Category: ADRIC Affiliates ADRSK - National Introductory Mediation

All Day
mai 14, 2018

This is a comprehensive, 40 hour program which aims to prepare learners to effectively facilitate the Understanding-Based Approach to resolving disputes.

The course has been approved for Continuing Professional Development credits by the Law Society of Saskatchewan for 40.0 CPD hours, and is eligible for 40 CHRP Recertification Hours from the Saskatchewan Association of Human Resource Professionals. Also, earn 50 CEE points from ADR Institute of Canada for C.Meds and Q.Meds.

Taught by nationally approved Chartered Mediators of the Institute, along with a team of Coaches who are either Chartered or Qualified Mediators, this course will be of interest to anyone learning mediation skills to either enhance their conflict resolution skills, or pursue a career as a mediator.

Learners will:
• Develop a clear understanding of their own perceptions, biases, and attitudes and how they impact others in conflict resolution.
• Learn the dynamics of conflict and the challenges of entering into negotiations.
• Learn tools for active listening, effective communicating, and managing power imbalance and heightened emotion in individuals in conflict.
• Learn the six phases of the Understanding-Based Approach to assist parties reach creative, mutually satisfactory resolutions.
• Participate in role plays to practice new conflict resolution skills and techniques.

Location: Saskatoon


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