Join us on January 25th 2018 from 7-8 pm (EST) to hear Dr. Evan Hoffman, Sr. Associate at the Canadian International Institute of Applied Negotiation (CIIAN), discuss best practices in conducting community-police mediation.
In this webinar, Dr. Hoffman will discuss his involvement re-designing and implementing the Voluntary ADR Program (VADRP) for the Ottawa Police Service and providing conflict resolution skills training to new recruits joining the force.
You won’t want to miss this unique opportunity to learn more about one of Canada’s first police-community mediation programs and the numerous ways these programs can contribute to building safer and more peaceful communities right across Canada!
Dr. Evan Hoffman is a Senior Associate at the Canadian International Institute of Applied Negotiation (CIIAN) and a mediator with Concorde Inc.
Dr. Hoffman holds a PhD in Political Science from the University of Canterbury (New Zealand). He also completed a Master’s degree in Post-war Recovery Studies at the University of York, UK in 2001 and an undergraduate degree in psychology at Carleton University, Ottawa in 1999. In 2001 he earned a Certificate in Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) from CIIAN.
Dr. Hoffman has published numerous articles on the themes of conflict prevention and resolution, peacebuilding, and mediation. Plus, he has provided consulting services to Global Affairs Canada (GAC), the Carter Center, the UN, the EU, the Ottawa Police Service, St. Lawrence College (Cornwall), the Vietnamese Ministry of Justice and others on these topics.
Over the last ten years, he’s conducted workshops and trainings with hundreds of community leaders, university students, police officers, and government officials from around the world.
To Register
The registration fee is $25 + applicable taxes. Students and members of ADRIC pay $15 + applicable taxes.
Earn 2 CEE points for ADRIC C.Med and Q.Med designation holders!
For more info or to register, please visit