The Second Edition of Online Dispute Resolution – Theory and Practice has been published.
Graham Ross, of the UK, one of the Pioneers of ODR states in a post:
For those of my colleagues in mediation and arbitration who are still labouring under the misapprehension that using Zoom is all you need to know about ODR and technology assisted resolution , there are 723 pages of this magnificent treatise to be read. This 2nd edition has just been published featuring chapters by all the leading experts in the field ( can I say, somewhat modestly, including myself -on ODR in Europe). Apart from the depth of content the list of author bios is itself a useful international “Who’s Who” of ODR experts. The publishers order page can be accessed at
#disputeresolution #ODR #onlinedisputeresolution #lawtech
Canadians and members of ADRIC were contributing authors to this authoritative text. If you want to get the most current expert opinions and knowledge on ODR this is the resource to get for your library.