ADRIC Course Accreditation Service
ADRIC often receives enquiries from individuals about dispute resolution courses: having your course
“pre-approved” allows us to recommend your ADRIC Accredited Courses with confidence.
See our Accredited Arbitration and Mediation courses.
Benefits of ADRIC Accredited Courses:
For Course Providers
- Website Listing
ADRIC will list its Accredited Courses on its website together with the dates and locations where the Courses will be presented. (In any given month, ADRIC’s website has over 24,000 page views, about 63% of which come from organic searches (via search engine), 20% referrals and 17% direct)
- Advertising Aids
Successful ADRIC Accredited Courses receive the ADRIC Accredited Course Provider logo which may be used in their advertising (with respect to the ADRIC Accredited Course only) and on the relevant certificates of completion.
The Course Provider may advertise that the ADRIC Accredited Course meets some or all of the educational requirements for an ADRIC designation.
- Referrals
ADRIC receives numerous calls for course recommendations that will lead to an ADRIC designation – ADRIC recommends its Accredited Courses to callers and refers them to its website.
For Students
- Facilitated Access to Designations
Affiliates’ Regional Designation Assessment Committees are assured that a student successfully completing an ADRIC Accredited Course meets some or all of the educational requirements for an ADRIC designation. Affiliates can easily access the national list of Accredited Courses.
(Any student completing any course not pre-approved as an ADRIC Accredited Course cannot automatically use that course toward requirements for ADRIC’s Designations. The relevant regional designation assessment committee will be required to assess any course that is not an Accredited Course on a case by case basis and at such fees as they deem appropriate.)
For Employers
The ADRIC Accredited Course Provider is assured that a student successfully completing the Course will be permitted to use that Course towards requirements for affiliate membership where required and for the relevant ADRIC Professional Designations.
ADRIC National Course Accreditation Program Policy
- Introduction
- The ADR Institute of Canada (“ADRIC”) is a primary source of information about ADR training and standards across Canada. ADRIC members, who meet specific criteria including training requirements, may apply to obtain ADRIC national designations.
- ADRIC’s National Course Accreditation Program assesses courses against requirements for these national designations.
- Some Affiliates need assistance in determining the suitability of courses for their members applying for designations and therefore have requested that ADRIC establish a national list of accredited courses for designation purposes.
- This Policy sets out the requirements for Accreditation of Courses that meet ADRIC’s minimum standards under which a course may be advertised as an ADRIC Accredited Course and the benefits that attach to being approved as an ADRIC Accredited Course.
- Accreditation Process
- Any course provider wishing to achieve ADRIC Accredited Course status for one or more courses shall apply by:
- completing the ADRIC Course Accreditation Application forms for each course: mediation course or arbitration course
- completing the ADRIC Trainer/Coach Approval Application forms each trainer and coach
- sending these applications to the ADRIC Education Program Coordinator with the appropriate fee (Schedule A).
- There is also an Annual Renewal form and fee to be submitted (indicating whether there are or have been any modifications to the course content and any changes it intends to make to the lead instructor(s), principal trainers or coaches, and if so, attached for review). This renewal process includes:
- review of any proposed modifications to ensure the course still meets the requirements for Course Accreditation;
- evaluation of the competency of any newly proposed instructors, trainers or coaches;
- annually updated ADRIC Accredited Course logo indicating the course meets some or all of the educational requirements for an ADRIC designation;
- posting on ADRIC’s website and in its newsletters.
- may be used in their advertising (with respect to the ADRIC Accredited Course only) and on the relevant certificates of completion.
- Types of Courses
- Currently, the program includes criteria to approve 40 hour mediation and arbitration training. It will be expanded to include other courses that can contribute to the 80 or 180 hour training required for the designations.