ODR Tools and Platforms
Draft Updated – July 5, 2019 (Note – Listing does not imply endorsement)
OM=Online Mediation, OA=Online Arbitration, VC=Video Conferencing, BB=Blind Bidding,
OCM=Online Case Management
Name | URL | Comments | Category |
ADRg Express | https://www.facebook.com/adrgroupuk/ posts/adrg-express-online-dispute- resolution-2015we-are-delighted-to-announce-that-we-/645278995570826/ | Online mediation platform. | OM |
Arbitrate Online | https://www.arbitrate.com | Online arbitration platform. | OA |
Caseload Manager | https://www.caseloadmanager.com | Caseload Manager is a cloud-based caseload management system for mediation, ombuds, family and human service programs and professionals. | CM |
Civil Resolution Tribunal (BC) | https://civilresolutionbc.ca | Online Court System – BC | OCM |
Conflicteam | http://conflicteam.com | Conflicteam is a system to resolve dispute online without intervention from another person or entity. | OCM |
CyberSettle | http://www.cybersettle.com | Contending parties submit confidential offers and demands on-line from most computers, smart phones or tablets. | BB |
e-Court Canada | https://www.e-court.ca/how_it_works/ index.php | Online mediation & arbitration. | OM, OA |
eConciliador | https://www.econciliador.com.br/en/ econciliador-the-simplest-and-most- intelligent-way-to-negotiate/ | Online dispute resolution site. | OCM |
FairClaims | https://www.fairclaims.com | Resolve under $25,000 disputes online with legally enforceable results. | OCM |
GoToMeeting | https://www.gotomeeting.com | Online video conference service. | VC |
iCourthouse | http://www.icourthouse.com/main.taf | Online arbitration platform. | OA |
It’s Over Easy | https://www.itsovereasy.com | Online divorce platform. | |
Matterhorn | https://getmatterhorn.com | Matterhorn online dispute resolution improves access, efficiency, fairness, and customer satisfaction. | OCM |
Micropact, a division of Tyler Technologies | https://www.micropact.com | Highly specialized, vertically oriented, case management and Business Process Management (BPM) applications. | OCM |
Online Mediators | https://www.onlinemediators.com | Online mediation platform. | OM |
PeopleClaim | https://www.peopleclaim.com | Online dispute resolution site. | OCM |
Presolve360 | https://www.presolv360.com | India’s first online platform for dispute resolution. | OCM |
RDO – Resolve Disputes Online | https://resolvedisputes.online | Dispute resolution software as a service empowering ADRexperts, courts and tribunals with innovative technology to improve access to justice around theworld. | OM, OCM |
Resolver | https://www.resolver.co.uk | Resolver is a free tool to help consumers raise and resolve issues. Our mission is to champion better outcomes for everyone. UK
SettlementIQ | http://www.settlementiq.com | SettlementIQ is a secure, online settlement platform that provides access to relevant complaint and settlement information and supports custom, productive negotiation & resolution workflows. | OCM |
SettleTheCase | http://www.settlethecase.com/main.html | Helps design, refine and rehearse best strategies for ADR. It is useful for arbitration, mediation and summary jury trials. | OCM |
Skype | https://www.skype.com/en/ | Includes Online video conference service. | VC |
Smartsettle | https://go.smartsettle.com | ODR Service provider. | BB |
Smartsettle Family Resolutions | http://smartsettlefamily.com | Online resolution of family disputes. | BB |
The Condominium Authority Tribunal (CAT) | https://www.condoauthorityontario.ca/en- US/tribunal/ | Online Tribunal – Condo Disputes – ONT.
The Mediation Room | https://www.themediationroom.com | Online mediation platform. | OM |
Virtual Courthouse | http://www.virtualcourthouse.com | Online dispute resolution site. | OCM |
Zoom | https://zoom.us | Online video conference service. | VC |