I wish to sign-up as an ADR Stakeholder with the ADR Institute of Canada (ADRIC), to receive email communications:
- ADRIC’s ADR Perspectives e-publication on topics of interest from the perspective of people and organizations who use alternative dispute resolution.
- Information about ADRIC annual conferences and other events of interest.
- About upcoming ADR programs on topics such as mediation, facilitation, workplace issues, conflict prevention and resolution, and arbitration with a focus on the interests of people using these ADR processes.
- From the ADRIC Affiliate in your area (if selected below)
Please note: ADR Stakeholder status does not confer individual membership status in ADRIC or any of its regional Affiliates.
Important Restrictions
ADR Stakeholder status is available only to individuals who:
Do not provide ADR professional services. (Lawyers providing services as legal counsel do not fall into the category of providing ADR professional services with respect to eligibility for ADR Stakeholder status.)
Work for an organization with Sustaining or Associate Corporate Membership with ADRIC.
Please feel free to contact us:
By email: admin@adric.ca
By mail: ADR Institute of Canada, Inc.
234 Eglinton Ave. East, Suite 407
Toronto, Ontario M4P 1K5
T: 416-487-4733
TF: 1-877-475-4353
F: 416-901-4736