National Introductory Arbitration Course
Developed by the ADR Institute of Canada, this in-person course introduces learners to arbitration procedures and applications from conducting hearings to analyzing evidence and writing awards. This course is suitable for both lawyers and other professionals without a legal background.
Learn to:
- Distinguish between arbitration, mediation, negotiation and litigation
- Know the various applications for arbitration
- Become fluent in the Arbitration Act applicable in your province of work
- Know the key objectives of arbitration
- Understand the stages of an arbitration file and the arbitration process
- Understand the role and responsibilities of the arbitrator
- Explore how to manage ethical dilemmas in arbitration
- Fully understand evidence in all its various forms
- Know the role of contract law in arbitration
- Practice decision making as an arbitrator
- Write an arbitration award
This course provides the educational requirements required for the Chartered Arbitrator (C.Arb) and Qualified Arbitrator (Q.Arb) designations – nationally recognized professional designations.
Who Should Take This Course?
- Lawyers wishing to add arbitration to their practice
- Other professionals wanting to enter the field of arbitration
- Those involved in arbitration hearings that wish to gain a better understanding of the process
- Tribunal members
- Mediators wishing to augment their ADR practice
Where can I take this Course?
These courses are delivered in-person (or remotely during the pandemic) by some of our regional affiliates. To learn more and find the next course date, click on the affiliate in your region:
(If your affiliate is not listed above, they do not yet have a future course date planned.)