October 31-November 6, 2021
All times US Eastern
Sunday October 31
Power of Mediation with Smartsettle ONE (Graham Ross, Ernest Thiessen, Carissa Boynton, and Peter Holt). Enroll for a week-long event at the International eNegotiation Exhibition and join “Smartsettle ONE at Cyberweek.” You will participate in a contest of asynchronous collaborative negotiations using Visual Blind Bidding. This event is open to anybody, students, working mediators, or interested individuals, and is primarily self-paced. The asynchronous nature of the contest can lead to long opponent wait times, so we encourage you to participate in multiple negotiations, and check back often to respond in cases waiting on you. For enhanced communication you can also join the Smartsettle ONE Cyberweek 2021 discord chat group with this link:
Monday November 1
10am-11:15am ODR Impact on Practice Areas (hosted by Leah Wing)
- Online Dispute Resolution and Ombudsmanship, Observations on the Use of ODR by Ombudsman Practitioners (Dr. Frank Fowlie, Dr. Clare Fowler and Herb Waye & MALT)
- ODR and Negotiation (Michael Wolf)
- ODR and Mediation (Noam Ebner and Daniel Rainey)
- The Wake Up to the Virtual Space in Arbitration (Mireze Philippe & Mohamed Abel Wahab)
3-4pm Panel on Transparency, Repeatability, and Auditability in ODR (hosted by Dan Rainey)
- Chris Draper
Tuesday November 2
10-11:15am Ethics, Culture and Equity in ODR (hosted by Leah Wing)
- Ethical Principles and Standards for Online Dispute Resolution (Leah Wing & Daniel Rainey)
- ODR Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities: We Must Do Better (David Larson)
- ODR and Cultural Components of Dispute Engagement (Daniel Rainey and Alma Abdul-Hadi Jadallah)
- ODR and Social Justice: Technology Not Tricknology (Benjamin G. Davis)
4:30-6:00pm New Student Voices Panel (Colin Rule)
(CLICK HERE TO JOIN – passcode workitout)
6-7pm National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolution Social Hour #1
(CLICK HERE TO JOIN – passcode workitout)
Wednesday November 3
10-11:15am ODR, Courts & Justice Systems (hosted by Leah Wing)
- (Richard Susskind)
- Online Dispute Resolution in US Courts Looking Back and Going Forward (Paul Embley and Lise Embley)
- ODR and the Justice System (Larry W. Bridgesmith)
1-2pm Uniform Disclosure Standards Readout (Dan Rainey)
3-4pm ODR: Bridge for Social Inclusion (hosted by Noam Ebner)
- Alberto Elisavetsky
- Maria Victoria Muran
Thursday November 4
8-9:15am State of Play of ODR Globally Part I (hosted by Leah Wing)
- ODR for E-Commerce: Legal Standards and Developments in Asia and Europe (Pablo Cortes and Aura Esther Vilalta and Chittu Nagarajan)
- Online Dispute Resolution and Africa (Ayodele Musibau Kusamotu)
- Online Dispute Resolution in China: Today and Future (Anyu Lee)
1-2:30pm Fake Smarts and Algowrongs: What to do with creepy AI? (hosted by Noam Ebner)
The speakers will discuss a wide variety of weird and creepy AI developments and what they term as algowrongs to help us reflect on how we make for better use of technology and reduce risks of abuse. (Benjamin G. Davis and Dr. Katherine Simpson)
3-4pm Online Mediation Training Standards Readout (Hosted by Colin Rule)
(CLICK HERE TO JOIN – passcode workitout)
- Jim Melamed
6-7pm National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolution Social Hour #2
(CLICK HERE TO JOIN – passcode workitout)
Friday November 5
11am-12pm Wrap up of week-long event using Power of Mediation with Smartsettle ONE and announcement of top performers and closing ceremony (Carissa Boynton)
12-1:30pm ODR and Self Sovereign Identity (hosted by Dan Rainey)
- Jeff Aresty
- Rachel Svetanoff
2:00-3:15pm State of Play of ODR Globally Part II (hosted by Leah Wing)
- ODR and Innovation in the United States (Amy J. Schmitz and Janet Martinez)
- Mediation and ODR in Latin America and Argentina (Alberto Elisavetsky and Maria Victoria Marun)
- ODR in Canada (Nicolas Vermeys)
- ODR in Europe (Marta Poblet and Graham Ross)
- ODR and Peacetech (Colin Rule)
3:30-4:30pm ODR Systems/Tools Demos (hosted by Chris Draper)