Digital Governance in the Times of Covid-19 (click on the hyper link to register)
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17 Feb. 2021 11s:oo-18:45
15:00 Greetings
Prof. Oren Perez, Dean, Bar llan University
Faculty of Law
15:10 Algorithmic Regulation and Digital Policy
Tools During Covid-19
Chair: Prof. Oren Perez, Bar llan University
Human Rights Requirements and Statistical Modelling
Prof. Iris Eisenberger, University of Graz
Speech Governance by AI: Tackling Disinfomation
Prof. Niva Elkin-Koren, Tel-Aviv University It
Dr. Maayan Perel, Netanya Academic College
How to Optimize Voluntary Cooperation in Covid-19 Contact Tracing App
Prof. Yuval Feldman, Bar-llan University
Using Health Data (or Research Supported by Fair Information Practice Principles: Evolving National Policies
Adv. limor Shmerling Magazanik, Israel Tech Policy Institute
17:30 Keynote Lecture
Building Data Infrastructure to Prevent Pandemics
Prof. Frank Pasquale, Brooklyn Law School
Commentator: Prof. Oren Perez. Bar-llan University
Times noted are local Israel Time GMT +a
18 Feb. 2021 l 14:oo-1g:3o
14:oo Zoom Parliaments During Covid-19
Chair: Dr.lttai Bar-Siman-Tov, Bar llan University
The Challenges of Being a Virtual Parliament
Prof. Cristina Leston-Bandeira, University of Leeds
Digital Equals Public: The Dutch Emergency Legislation tor Local Democracy in Covid-19 Lockdown
Prof. Evert Stamhuis 8.. LL.M. Lianne van
Kalken, Erasmus University Rotterdam
The Digitalization of Legislatures: A Threat and an OpportunityProf. Olivier Rozenberg, Sciences Po Paris
16:00 Online Courts During Covid-19 and Beyond
Chair: Dr. Ayelet Sela, Bar- llan University
Measuring ODR Through the Lens of A2)
Prof. Amy J. Schmitz, University of Missouri School of Law
Online Courts in the Netherlands: Both a Cure and a Disease
Dr. Erlis Themeli, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Navigating the Promise and Pitfalls of Court Technology for Post-Pandemic America
Adv. Qudsiya Naqui, PEW Charitable Trusts
17:40 Break
18:oo Keynote Lecture
The Future of Courts
Prof. Richard Susskind, Technology Adviser to the Lord Chief Justice of England
Commentator: Dr. Aye let Sela, Bar llan University