The CEPEJ, via its working group on cyberjustice and AI (CEPEJ-GT-CYBERJUST), decided in 2020 to create a European Cyberjustice Network.
On 16 November 2021, the CEPEJ officially launched the European Cyberjustice Network (ECN), in virtual presence of more than 100 experts appointed by their Governments, European or global professional associations, research and academic institutions.
The network will provide a platform for interdisciplinary exchange of good practices in the field of cyberjustice and artificial intelligence as well as for exchanges of views about challenges in the implementation of IT and artificial intelligence solutions in judicial systems.
The network should also contribute to and support the initiation of new tools, actions and co-operation projects.
The network is composed in particular of policy makers, ICT experts, judges, court staff, court administrators/managers, lawyers, enforcement officers and scholars.
During this conference, the recently adopted CEPEJ Guidelines on videoconferencing in judicial proceedings have been introduced and their implementation in the different countries have been discussed.
In setting up the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) at the end of 2002, at the initiative of the European ministers of Justice who met in London (2000), the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe wanted to establish an innovative body for improving the quality and efficiency of the European judicial systems and strengthening the court users’ confidence in such systems.
The CEPEJ develops concrete measures and tools aimed at policy makers and judicial practitioners in order to:
- Analyse the functioning of judicial systems and orientate public policies of justice
- Have a better knowledge of judicial timeframes and optimize judicial time management
- Promote the quality of the public service of justice
- Facilitate the implementation of European standrards in the field of justice
- Support member states in their reforms on court organisations
The CEPEJ also contributes with specific expertise to debates about the functioning of the justice system in order to provide a forum for discussion and proposals and bring the users closer to their justice system. (Read more)