with Colm Brannigan, LL.M. (ADR), C.Arb, C.Med, Cert. Med (IMI), FCIArb,
Marc Bhalla, LL.M (DR), C.Med, Q.Arb, MCIArb
(in English; a French version is coming soon)
Points to be covered in this webinar:
- Similar is not the same (ADR and ODR)
- What to Think about before Moving Online
- What do you need, Technology wise
- The Agreement to Mediate
- Advanced Zoom
- Security
- Trust
- Competency & Ethics
The webinar will focus on one of the many easy to use platforms available: Zoom which ADRIC offers at a greatly reduced subscription cost to ADRIC members.
Watch the recording of the webinar!
More information about ADRIC Webinar - Gaining Proficiency and Understanding ODR using Zoom